Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Diets, between right and wrong

Diets, between right and wrong

Akhosra weight in two weeks "," Avkadi 10 kilos before the onset of summer, "... those are the tempting promises that tops the covers of magazines and are attracted to many women irresistible. Except that fast weight loss is not possible., And even if you lose some kilograms in the beginning, but he quickly re-appear after the end of the diet. rather than surrender to fashion various diets, it is best to fix your eating habits in the long term and accept that it will take time.

This does not mean depriving yourself throughout the year, giving up your favorite foods or eating only certain types of food. It is necessary not hesitate to visit specialist food to support you and give you the necessary instructions.

The danger in losing weight quickly lies in the inability to maintain a stable weight. The fast weight loss leads to a certain eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia). This first false beliefs about diets, which must be overcome.
Diet, easier with the help of a coach

 True and False ... Demonstrated one recent study in France found that 72% of men and 68% of women need medical and family support to help them lose weight. Get support, advice and encouragement is reassuring when you are dieting.

But beware of offers miracle programs available on the Internet, which prepare you decrease your weight quickly with the help of coach "placebo"! This type of software does not work. Therefore Fazli diet with the help of a specialist accompany you in the long run and helps you to enter your healthy habits and healthy life.
Diet and Sport: better together

Properly. WHO recommends feeding and eating five fruits of fruit and vegetables a day, starches and dairy products at every meal and the reduction of high fat foods and salty foods or too sweet. Enough to make sure that half of the content of the dish, consisting of fruit and vegetables to make sure to you تتبعين this advice.

The second recommendation is no less important: during exercise 30 minutes every day, which contributes to the regularity of weight loss and protect the heart and blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve resistance to stress and enhance psychological comfort.
Do not be deprived of that diet is accompanied

Ooops! The diets, which are based on lists of forbidden foods or allowable often frustrating. After the test failure for many times, we lose any incentive to persevere and feel guilty. In the end, end up gaining pounds more than the beginning. The truth is that the more taboo, the greater the frustration and the failure of the diet.
To eat healthy food, we need a lot of time to cook

Erroneous belief! One polls suggests that many of the people when they ask about the reason for increasing their weight, be the answer because they "eat badly." It also blame other reasons, including lack of "having the time to eat properly or exercise." And you, too, you may think that you do not have enough time to cook ... Vtakhtarin takeaway saturated heat Balsairat.

Those are not reasons for not eating healthy. Easy to prepare a healthy meal once you do to prepare vegetables peeled and cut into slices and ready to accompany a meal in minutes. It's also easy to use frozen vegetables that can be prepared in a 4 or 5 minutes. Do not Takhtbi and behind those arguments!
Propagation of Snack meals increases the weight

True! Snack consists often we eat fatty foods and-rich thermal Balsairat.
Resistance that usually means that we listen to the real needs of our body, and we eat only when hungry, and stop eating automatically. Learning to listen to the needs of the body is an essential step for the success of any diet.
All diets are doomed to failure

True and False ... Are usually cancel a lot of foods by following a diet, and re-entered after weight loss. Usually retrieves body weight after the diet period, it is programmed to remember that weight and works to retrieve kilograms defeat. So you must be patient and adopt healthy habits as life style.
Weakness will lead to the failure of diet

Error. Often enjoyed Mtbau the diet with iron will, and devoted themselves for years to follow their diet, and they feel guilty for lack of success in achieving the desired weight. Do not lack the will, but personal follow-up by specialists able to assist in the introduction of healthy habits into their daily lives.
Diet may lead to depression
True ... We know that the body works to restore that lost weight when the diet stops, the patient enters in an endless spiral. And is often accompanied by that stage, a feeling of depression and loss of self-confidence. Specialists believe that he must lend all the attention of the psychological situation experienced by all practice diet, they Glaba what holds the solution and the keys behind the secret of weight gain and the success of the diet

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