Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beware of your teen relationships!

Beware of your teen relationships!

In adolescence, can your teenager is surrounded by people with bad effect. How can I deal with that? And how you can prevent these relationships that cause bad? Explains Yvonne Ponce Bonnicol, clinical psychology specialist and president of the Association of defense against moral harassment, how to help our children, teenagers to overcome such obstacles.When should I worry about our teenage son relationships?When the boy and changes when it becomes adversely impact these relationships. This leads to a reduction in school results, significant clashes with parents, declining interest in school or doing things surreptitiously. Changed his address and change his words. Behavioral changes may be subtle, but in most cases the behavior of the boy leads fathers and mothers to the exclamation of the actions of their children and enter a state of denial.Inhabit strange ideas about child ascribes to itself. This is often due to the bad tradition of the leader of the group who has the bad behavior, it is controlled and sheds its strength on the weaker people of it. And be the leader of the gang For a teenager, this example represents an attractive and charming have negative effects.Why be born bad relationships? Is this link a way that gives them the same?Yes, in many cases these relationships occur in a period lacking self-confidence? And often shy boys are the prey. For them, these relations serve as the salvation of them with strong people are not afraid of risk. All teenagers can be a victim of this situation at a particular time of their lives, in period Taataklhm which moments of doubt and fear. Then they see these people as a source of protection for them.Is there a difference between girls and boys when mixing a bad relationship?No, I can have two the same kind of relationships on both. But the teenager's mostly surrounded by a gang leader while the teen will tend more towards the identification of new friends or cohabitation friend special ... It is also a way to express their insurgency and is considered one of the manifestations of teen crises.At any age can be afraid of such relations?From the age of 12 years. In fact, since the fourth or fifth grade observe phenomena constitute the first of what looks like a gangster.How can we were born away from this kind of negative relations?We must first listen to everything he says and especially should not tell him directly that this relationship is harmful to him. Instead, it is necessary to shed light on his behavior, but indirectly. You should also teach to say no and make him realize that these people are often a source of danger. This will require time lead teen to feeling disappointed by the result of this relationship.How can Born to accommodate secrets of this bad relationship while he does not listen to his parents?Should explain to him that depending on the situation, which is going through and turn his attention to another person should also talk to him about ourselves when we were teenagers. For example, a mother can tell her son about a bad relationship passed out during adolescence and the problems that dragged about it later. In this way we can talk to our children withoutFeeling that they are being targeted. Doing so will untouched the content of our message, "Do not do as we did" mm invite them to thinking ... Must always be directed to them direct messages.Are there ways to avoid this rather than look for ways to treat it?Yes, but that we must give to our children "weapons" necessary to make them feel confident on their own because most are prey to this kind of relationships are adolescents who suffer from a lack of confidence in themselves. May feel hyperactive teenager also appeal this type of relationship because the kind of risk provides strong feelings.

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