Monday, June 3, 2013

How to get a rosy lips?

Need to take care of lips and facial skin, to show pink color naturally attractive, away from cracking and ugly dark color.

"She" offers you Madam these steps for a natural rosy lips:

1. Stop smoking: adversely affect the color of lips turning to the dark color gradually, with time up to brown.

2. National a pomegranate and beans era mixed with a small amount of milk a natural compound made ​​to lighten the lips, and keep the mixture in the refrigerator repeater use it daily.

3. Almasag: Need to lips light massage every night, the processing of natural moisturizer in the house for this process you get a better results through a small amount of almond oil and lemon juice, or the amount of natural honey.

4. Peel: _khassa soft toothbrush for this task and Dress Bdek the lips twice a week before going to sleep for one minute, with a mixture of almond oil or olive oil and Discard the coarse parts you get a soft lips.

5. Moisturizer: national rinsing moisturizer contains natural honey before you out of the house, to protect them from the sun and external factors.

6. Remember, eating large quantities of water and natural juices throughout the day so you do not get the lips or dehydrated skin.

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