Monday, June 3, 2013

How to get a rosy lips?

Need to take care of lips and facial skin, to show pink color naturally attractive, away from cracking and ugly dark color.

"She" offers you Madam these steps for a natural rosy lips:

1. Stop smoking: adversely affect the color of lips turning to the dark color gradually, with time up to brown.

2. National a pomegranate and beans era mixed with a small amount of milk a natural compound made ​​to lighten the lips, and keep the mixture in the refrigerator repeater use it daily.

3. Almasag: Need to lips light massage every night, the processing of natural moisturizer in the house for this process you get a better results through a small amount of almond oil and lemon juice, or the amount of natural honey.

4. Peel: _khassa soft toothbrush for this task and Dress Bdek the lips twice a week before going to sleep for one minute, with a mixture of almond oil or olive oil and Discard the coarse parts you get a soft lips.

5. Moisturizer: national rinsing moisturizer contains natural honey before you out of the house, to protect them from the sun and external factors.

6. Remember, eating large quantities of water and natural juices throughout the day so you do not get the lips or dehydrated skin.

"Supplying Peach" on your wedding day

The phrase "Peach cream" peaches and cream does not only refer to the kind of sweets, but also used to describe the complexion pure and brightly Matturdh of the Peach - pink. Skin free from defects supports and beautify the eyes and lips makeup. The Mashreq peaches and ripe Reef Vllonan Mahbuban when spring brides because of Advianh feminine and fashionable at the same time. It is the perfect sunshine the bride spring of 2013.

A bright daylight to spoil the make-up, Fastkhaddma combinations similar Balsatan or combinations "Matt" is shiny. Most importantly is to get a sleek shine, so Seek the help of a professional such as bedding "Chanel" Chanel to avoid the cracks and get seamless coverage. Sparkle ideal became accessible, try "Chanel Powder Balash - Frivole" Chanel Powder Blush - Frivole, or "Tom Ford Elominaiting Cech Collor - Balash Gilt" Tom Ford Illuminating Cheek Color - Blush Guilt; and glitter Peach try " Fine and that" Benefit Fine One One.
Nail color varying Karim sarcomas such as "Astah Lauder Pure Color Nile Lacker - Diaboleik" Estee Lauder Pure Color Nail Lacquer - Diabolique, or "Issy Nile Lacker - Sugar Daddy" Essie Nail Lacquer - Sugar Daddy in harmony with the colors of Fashion spring, however makeup eyes Captor and supplying the skin Reef.

Ginger helps to relieve asthma symptoms

A study at Columbia University that the components may be pure ginger has many characteristics help asthma patients breathe more easily.

Asthma is a narrowing of the airways that carry air to and from the lungs, the study looked at whether the components of ginger can help to promote relaxation bronchodilators.

Dr Elizabeth Townsend at Columbia University, said the study proved that ginger components work synergistically with pure beta-agonists used in therapy to relax the muscles of the trachea for patients with asthma.

The researchers sampled ASM tissues of the human body and exposing it to a narrow bronchial pathogens while another group of researchers mix beta ezenoparl with three separate components of ginger Rord were recorded act of tissue samples.

At the end of the study, researchers found that the tissue that has been exposed to a mixture of the components of ginger pure showed relax much larger than those exposed only, researchers explained that through the understanding of the mechanisms that affect vehicles ginger on the airway, they can discover its use as a treatment in alleviating severity of asthma symptoms.

Vinegar reduces mortality from cervical cancer

A new Indian study at a cancer conference in Chicago on Sunday, to the benefit of vinegar in reducing the mortality rates of cervical cancer.

The study has a simple test job of know vinegar interest in reducing death rates from cervical cancer, and appeared positive result by 31% in the study, which was applied to the approximately 150,000 women in the slums of India.

Results of the study were announced at a cancer conference in Chicago yesterday, according to Fox News, the researchers said that there is still a need for further testing on the matter.

Cancer experts hope to test the vinegar is used in many poor countries that can not do Pap tests to save thousands of women around the world.

How your husband go out of his silence?

Dialogue based on marital life successful, it is the best way to create a discussion quiet, through which the exchange of roles in the talk, and listen each party to the other, but sometimes only pair silence and chooses a way to evade the problems of marriage, Vtnzaaj wife of silence and does not know how to deal with him in this case , note that this silence can be any cause for them in the occurrence of problems is difficult to get out of them .. On this issue, says Dr. Medhat Abdel-Hadi, a professor of marital relations:
Confront problemsWhen confronted the man problem or a complicated issue or passing through difficult circumstances, they often turn a man into silence, because he thinks quietly, Vijtla himself to solve this problem, and the man is that he is responsible for solving its problems by himself does not like that shared by one in this, how to behave wife in this case?? Wrong to the wife insists the pair to speak about what bothered, this increases the tension of lack of understanding of his wife, the psychological need for silence and self-reflection.Husband does not like to feel that the focus of constant care for the wife, it make him feel weak, so the actual wife if she saw him entered in the circle of silence can ask him to determine the appropriate time for dialogue between them when the ends of his thinking and be more comfortable, and express to him that it respects the feelings and care for his order, and give these space of time blameless or Matbh the.
Fatigue and the need for comfortSilent when the man is tired and needs a period of rest for recreation and energy recovery, unlike the women that reflect aloud what Atabha, and when you go out what's inside feel at home.The wife how to behave in this situation?The wife to receive her husband tired welcome and fondling, and is keen to be equipped with the same every day in a different way and a new good reception (Accessories - Perfumes - arranged her words emotional - surprised gift or what position), it accelerates out man for his silence, and quickly regain its activity and Abadelha feelings and dialogue.Busy thinking pair for long periods of time in labor issues and responsibilities, this preoccupation with intellectual paid for silence.
The wife how to behave in this situation?Wife can awaiting opportunities and appropriate times to talk with him and discuss the problems and concerns.The wife must learn Teaser and attractive method for the transfer of the pair of closed circuit thinking, and introduce the element of surprise in her speech, in addition to the element of humor and fun in the dialogue.
Other reasonsBut there are other reasons push the pair to silence them:- Listening to the wrong comments and mockery from his wife when he speaks at a time.- Interrupted frequently when you speak.- Make judgments prior to his speech before the completion of the speech.- Direct accusation, blame and ridicule while talking to him.- That the wife can feel they understand more of it in the topic which Ihorha.- Not interested when asked by an interview.So the wife has to change this method is faulty in the dialog to change if the husband with her, and replaced by words of praise and appreciation and praise, and can feel their need him, and to express his confidence.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fungal infections of the mouth Discard them

Fungal infections of the mouth Discard them

Since the mouth contains bacteria, viruses and fungi, the body's natural immunity and follow the ways of the necessary care of the mouth and teeth help lessen the danger, however, in some cases, these bacteria multiply to the point that they overcome the body's immunity.
One of the most susceptible persons fungal infections diabetic patients, especially those who use dentures, and other causes of injury fungal infections:
- Fungal infections of the tongue.
- Rise in blood glucose.
- A course of antibiotics.
- Smoking.
And Eoffrankhvad the flow of saliva and high glucose in the mouth a suitable environment for the growth of fungi that cause various infections and diseases. The fungi also caused mouth white patches inside the mouth, and sometimes red, and be in the form of abscesses (abscess) or may worsen to become painful sores in the mouth. This fungus has been attacking the tongue is also causing a sense of incendiary pain. This addition to what caused difficulty in swallowing and weakening in the ability to taste.

The dentist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to treat fungal, and do not forget the importance of oral hygiene and tooth brush and floss, washing and other forms of care for the prevention and treatment as well.

Safety tips for your baby in the car seat.

Safety tips for your baby in the car seat.

Do you know Madam traffic accidents in the world is much cause of deaths among young people, especially children, who are? Faced with this reality, advises you to "family" of the need to use your chair, which protects children and prevent exposure to any harm thanks to what it involves strict safety means.Is to be noted that such seats necessary for children up to the age of three years, and then be dispensed with and replaced belts are available in each car.For infants and children up to nine months, must be placed in the inverse direction of the chair back and installed safety belt fits their small size. It is best to put this chair in the back of the car and not the front of them to prevent the collision of the baby's head in the event of any sudden incident.As for the children aged between nine months and three years and weigh between 9 and 18 kg, should continue to be placed in their own chair, and optimized to have it in the back of the car. If it does not need to use the front seat for any reason, make sure to be the status of the child's face toward the rear of the car and that the key is to close your running airbags.After that exceeds the third child, you can Ttakchi of your chair and Tstaana the back of the car seat and safety belt adults-stead, it is important to always pay attention to the safety of children in all age groups.